
Amazon Bio:

I’ve always considered Bio’s difficult to write. It’s easy to write the simple one:

Noreen Lace grew up in the midwest. After moving to Los Angeles, she earned her MA and MFA from California State University where she now teaches.

That was easy – and maybe that’s what people want.

But, then, I see authors who include personal information, which is what I had here previously.

Noreen Lace grew in a midwestern city. Before moving to a suburb, she and her siblings attended city schools where gangs roamed the streets and threatened all who crossed their lines.

And it went on and on: School, married, divorced, worked two jobs, raised her kids, and on and on. The sum of all my parts – which doesn’t really say who I am now, right? Or does it?

Do people want to read all that?

Some writers talk about their craft:

Noreen Lace believes in the beauty of language to express the deepest, darkest parts of our beings.

And some writers put their philosophical leanings in their bio’s.

Noreen Lace’s respect for all individuals and creatures inspires an empathy……

Or even their physical representation:

Noreen Lace lives in Los Angeles with her dogs, cats, squirrels (you know, I’m kidding, right?)

Or what they wish their physicality was:

Noreen Lace lives in a Munster like house kicking around leaves in the front yard shadowed by a two hundred year old maple tree.

If you want to know about me – ask. You’ll find me at the local coffee shop, sipping tea, writing.




3 thoughts on “Bio

  1. I keep mine pretty brief. Brevity is soul.

    “John Grabowski grew up on the east coast, has traveled around Europe, and now calls Northern California home. He has worked in public relations, advertising, and radio and TV news. When not writing, he enjoys travel, gourmet coffee, chess, jazz and classical music. His first novel was Entertaining Welsey Shaw, which Kirkus Reviews praised for being fast-paced, witty, and ‘filled with flirtatious banter.’”


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